Posted in Tour and Travel

Visiting the Beautiful Tsuglagkhang Complex Dalai Lama Temple

In the event that you are thinking that it’s difficult to articulate the name, don’t stress – gratefully, you don’t need to figure out how to articulate the word accurately to get inside Tsuglagkhang complex Dalai Lama Temple. The Tsuglagkhang complex is situated at McLeod Ganj, above Dharamshala town and is an official habitation of the fourteenth Dalai Lama.

The complex place of the Tsuglagkhang comprises of Photang which implies Dalai Lama’s living arrangement, Tibet Museum, Tsuglagkhang Temple, and Namgyal Gompa.

The place is a fascination for the vast majority of the explorers, and additionally the voyagers from around the world – not on account of it is a journey and you get the chance to see the Dalai Lama himself, yet in addition in light of the fact that the place is completely beautiful.

Visiting Tsuglagkhang complex Dalai Lama Temple

The Tsuglagkhang complex or the Dalai Lama Monastery Dharamshala is situated at the south-west corner of McLeod Ganj. You can simply go out for a stroll up the slope – the distance to the temple street and you can see the sign that says – “Access to Temple”. This is the point at which you realize that you have achieved Tsuglagkhang complex. Keep in mind forget that the place isn’t just a complex yet a working living arrangement and a temple and you ought to take after specific guidelines and directions. You can go through a snappy security screening and you have to recollect that you can’t convey any kind of tobacco, cigarettes, non-veggie lover things or liquor outperforming the security entryway. In spite of the fact that you can take photos of the complex and the priests there, taking pictures inside the temple isn’t permitted.

Keep in mind forget to indicate you regard by keeping your voice low and making no kind of commotion. You can visit the Tsuglagkhang complex from 5 am to 8 pm.

What Can You Find Inside and Around the Complex?

There are a lot of things that you can discover inside and around the Tsuglagkhang complex Dalai Lama Temple. Investigate the emotional sign delineating photographs of Tibetans, for the most part in their 20s or more youthful, who self-immolated – set themselves ablaze – to dissent the Chinese occupation. You can likewise observe a Tsuglagkhang bookshop where you can discover fantastic books by the Dalai Lama and a couple of other general messages on Buddhism. These are very fascinating to peruse.

There is a little bistro inside the Tsuglagkhang complex which serves cakes and veggie lover nourishments. And afterward again there is a beautiful trinket shop that offers beautiful banners and arm ornaments.

All of Temple Road above Tsuglagkhang is fixed with road slows down pitching everything from collectibles to counterfeit Western-mark garments. The different bistros with open air seating along Temple Road are an extraordinary place to sit and watch the priests walk around and from town.

Posted in Tour and Travel, Tour Guide

Visiting Dalai Lama Monastery in Dharamshala

As hobby most of us have travelling as it ignite excitement within us. Some of us even choose travelling as a job to fulfil this desire. Sometime we travel to seek modern cities and sometime the embraces of nature and sometime to seek knowledge and salvation, but no matter what we all like to travel.

As to choose a travelling destination if you are searching for a place which contain religious devote and beautiful natural surrounding with lakes and mountain then Dalai Lama monastery in Dharamshala is your place. Dharamshala is a hill station which has the power to attract any traveller to its extraordinary beauty of nature. It is a very popular tourist spot with various lakes, mountains, beautiful forest and waterfall and excites anyone for an adventure. Dharamshala is also known for doors to accept pilgrims.

The Dalai Lama monastery or complex is located in McLeod Ganj in Kangra Valley district of Himachal Pradesh. From mall centre in McLeod Ganj bus stand which is located in upper Dharmashala you just have to walk a 15 minute downhill along the temple road to reach the complex.

To explore the peaceful and beautiful surrounding of the temple complex for traveller and visitor the monastery is daily open from the time of the sunrise to sunset. Even if you take your car there you can park it outside the main gate since there are parking place available and you can even also buy street food from hawker there as a lot number of people gather during the day.

As a traveller you can take into account some things before heading towards Dharmashala:

1. It is wise to wear comfortable footwear as you need to take uphill and downhill to the monastery.

2. Preserving silence is essential in monastery and tries not to wonder around in the residential area.

3. Taking photograph is prohibited in most of the area of monastery and during the learning time of the monks. Hence if you are thinking about taking photograph then ask for permission first so that you don’t get into any kind of trouble.

4. In the monastery behave yourself orderly and follow the rules so that you can take your time and enjoy peaceful environment there.

5. Dharmashala is the place known for learning and worshiping for devotee so you need to mind your behaviour and wear decent clothing.

In the monastery you might need to follow some hard rule but it is essential to preserve its peace and culture. But even with the rules you can definitely able to watch is beauty and attain peace of mind.